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Simonds Fire Department



For Simonds Fire Rescue


To be considered for Firefighter positions, an application must be completed.


2.1 For the purpose of this Policy, the following are classifications of and qualification  requirements for membership in Simonds Fire Rescue departments (SFR):


  1. Full member: In order to be classified as a full member firefighter in a SFR, a person must:

a) be at least 18 years of age;

b) be a resident of the area serviced by the SFR, unless in extenuating circumstances the Fire Chief has waived this requirement;

c) provide appropriate medical certificates upon request from Fire Chief;

d) possess or be able to obtain, at minimum, a Standard First Aid Certificate;

e) successfully complete Firefighter 1 training within two (2) years, or have obtained the equivalent from another jurisdiction;

f) possess the appropriate class of licence for driving assigned fire apparatus, and have passed a recognized defensive driving course if duties include driving fire apparatus.

g) possess appropriate training and/or certification for any other assigned duties within the fire department, ex. Traffic control, Non-fire related rescue;

h) maintain the following attendance requirements to remain as full member:


a. Regular scheduled training sessions 60%

b. Mandated call attendance after probation of 25%


Dates October 2023



Member of the Royal Firefighters Association

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